Tag: Holly Springs

Housekeeping and maybe some other stuff, too

Housekeeping and maybe some other stuff, too

Housekeeping might not be the right word. All right, housekeeping is definitely the wrong word! It's more like…remodeling? Upgrading? Ripping up a bunch of old, obnoxious floors and installing a new one? Yeah, that's a much better description of what's been going on recently! It seems like all my time'sMore

Chapter V is in the can!

Chapter V is in the can!

Chapter V might be the longest chapter in Books I and II so far! On its own, it's right around ten thousand words[note]I went back and counted: Adobe InDesign says Chapter V contains 74,874 characters, 13,092 words, and 345 paragraphs![/note]: stated another way, it's a touch longer thanMore

Chapter III for Book II is finished!

Chapter III for Book II is finished!

It's been a while since I've had anything noteworthy to post, and I'm not sure if completing a chapter really counts. I'm operating under the assumption that yes, it does count! Chapter III for Between the Lion and the Wolf took a little more coaxing to extract from…wherever itMore

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