Getting started with Chapter XIV!

Getting started with Chapter XIV!

After a couple weeks (months?!) of not doing much, I'm excited with how quickly (relatively speaking) Chapter XIV is shaping up! After just a couple of days since my last post, it's nice to see the words piling up on the screen again! I can never tell whichMore

It’s been a while since I’ve posted…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted…

Holy smokes! I knew it had been a while, but apparently, the last time I posted anything here was back in October! Right around the time a bunch of…stuff interrupted any progress on Between the Lion and the Wolf (BLW). Life stuff. I hear that happens from time to time. After that, Thanksgiving happened,More

Housekeeping and maybe some other stuff, too

Housekeeping and maybe some other stuff, too

Housekeeping might not be the right word. All right, housekeeping is definitely the wrong word! It's more like…remodeling? Upgrading? Ripping up a bunch of old, obnoxious floors and installing a new one? Yeah, that's a much better description of what's been going on recently! It seems like all my time'sMore

Beneath the Vault of Stars needs reviews!

Beneath the Vault of Stars needs reviews!

After almost half a year, Beneath the Vault of Stars (BVS) has three reviews.[efn_note]This post (and the reviews in question) referred to the original listing for Beneath the Vault of Stars.[/efn_note] Two of those reviews are from Mom and Dad (thanks, guys!). One of the best ways forMore

That was fast! Chapter VIII is done!

That was fast! Chapter VIII is done!

Fast is probably a relative term, but compared to the snail's pace I took with Chapter VII, Chapter VIII almost clawed its way onto the screen! I've "discovered" some interesting details while I was writing Chapter VIII. I'm not sure I should say much else! It's been fun, gettingMore

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