I’ve been invisible for the last couple of weeks. Well, invisible if one were only searching for me here. I’d mentioned in previous posts that February 10 was Holly Spring’s annual Community Arts Festival, and that this year they’d be having a selection of local authors available to…do author-y stuff. Like (try to) sell books and give presentations about…author-y stuff. I got to do both!
This was my first event as an author: while making the rounds, introducing myself to some of the other authors, I remember hearing, “Oh, you’re an author, too?” and thinking it strange when I heard myself answer with a yes! Everyone I met was super-kind, from Leslie, the Cultural Center’s coordinator, to, well, everyone! When I was setting up my table, I could feel butterflies in my stomach—butterflies that had been kind enough to leave me alone since high school, when I acted (and sang!) in a few plays and musicals. Still, I was more excited than nervous, looking forward to the next five hours.
I think I sat for about 5 minutes over the course of those five hours. It just seemed better to be on my feet, either walking around or standing ready to answer questions for anyone who had them. At 12:30 P.M., it was my turn to “present.” I talked briefly about the book and its origins, read an excerpt from Chapter II of Beneath the Vault of Stars, and answered a few questions until time ran out. I’ll admit: most people in attendance (during my presentation) were friends, but everyone asked great questions, and I’m grateful for the opportunity! My wife was kind enough to record it, and after watching the playback, my favorite part was probably when I asked if anyone had any additional questions: my youngest son sighed (loudly), “Nobody!” He did well to sit through half an hour of me reading (no pictures!) and answering questions!
I’m looking forward to the next such event! Granted, it might not be until February of 2019, but who knows? In the meantime, I have a lot of writing to do to get back on track with Between the Lion and the Wolf. I left off somewhere around Chapter VII, I think. I’ll find out soon enough! And I think I’ve finished the cover design, too! I’ll keep that image close to the vest for now…